Arni Kujala
Head of Manufacturing
My name is Arni Kujala, and I am the Head of Manufacturing at Onego with a background in the enzyme industry. I ended up working in Onego through a funny coincidence; I bumped into one of the first members of Onego by chance on a sailboat in the Mediterranean, and we started to chat about what Onego is and what the company is visioning to do. I was fascinated by Onego's exceptional mission to produce egg white protein without chickens. And the job itself; to help such a company make those big dreams come true. That is perhaps the biggest charm of it all.
I started working at Onego since February 2023, and it has been wonderful to see our growth. We have brought on talented individuals with a good cross-section of experience, and share the same goals. We are all on the same page, each in our own way, and this is what makes our team so great. Biotechnology is very complex and multi-faceted, so it requires many different kinds of experts. Because of the wonderful team we have here, we have the experience that brings the vision alive to take our technology to a large scale and a real market environment.
“There is a lot of variation in the quality of eggs, but the Bioalbumen® we produce is much more consistent – we produce the same quality product every time”
Our unique advantage at Onego Bio is using a well-known production system with proven performance as Trichoderma reesei has been used in the industrial enzyme business for decades to produce large product volumes at very low costs - we’re now just changing the protein that is produced to benefit the food industry. There are so many different proteins in egg whites, but we have managed to find the one protein that provides all the functionalities of egg whites in cooking, and this superstar is called Bioalbumen®. This protein is unlike anything else available; even though a lot of efforts are being made in the world at the moment to make all kinds of alternative animal proteins, no one has succeeded in doing so on this scale. That’s why I think Bioalbumen® is what makes Onego so unique. And what Onego is aiming for is something groundbreaking, exceptional and a first in the world. That's what makes Onego very unique at the moment.
What’s also exciting, is that through our purification process, our ingredient works much better than conventional egg white. There is a lot of variation in the quality of eggs, but our Bioalbumen® is much more consistent because we can produce it under well-controlled conditions and thus produce the same quality product every time.
I really enjoy working at Onego and building something completely new, but that is based on existing technology. I have previously worked in designing and building an enzyme production plant where this similar production process has been implemented on a very large scale, and now we will do the same at Onego. Scaling to an industrial level is challenging but rewarding, and we are just starting to unlock our ingredient’s potential in the food industry. Projects like this are fascinating because it’s kind of like walking in a dark forest and trying to find your way out – and you always do.
Since working here, a major milestone was when I saw the visual presentation of our future production plant. It is special to me because it makes this vision of the plant concrete in a very significant way. I can’t wait for the moment when we will be producing Bioalbumen® on the scale that we are now planning.
To give you some idea what I’m talking about; Trichoderma reesei is superior in transforming carbohydrates into protein as it’s a protein producer by nature. It can produce levels of the desired protein efficiently even up to 90g/liter, and the production can be scaled up into large industrial fermentation tanks of over 150 000 liters. This makes the production extremely efficient and cost-effective. So, when we get our production plant up and running, it will show that the future of food production will change.
Please, share us something about you besides work:
I like to cook tofu for my daughter who is a vegetarian, and the secret to making tofu is definitely getting the water out by drying it properly and then by frying it long enough. And I mean long enough so that it gets crispy and only after that do I add all the spices. One of my favourite spices to use with tofu are curry and soy sauce, with a little sriracha, to give it a salty and tasty flavor. I also saw the nougat our food team had prepared with Bioalbumen®, and that is definitely something I would like to get my hands on!
In my free-time I read a lot, although nowadays it could not really be called reading because of the audio books, so it’s more like listening. I'm quite a non-fiction oriented when it comes to my book choices, and when you can combine it with fitness it will take care of two things at the same time! In winter I like skiing and in summer I’m more into jogging, swimming, floorball, and football.
Fun fact: I can’t read music, but I have played the piano professionally! I used to play it when I was younger, and nowadays YouTube is a great learning tool.
Meet the
Onego team
The people behind Onego Bio are determined, passionate and on a mission to make real impact to revolutionize the food industry. In this interview series, we will shine the spotlight on the people who make Onego what it is today and learn more how they are contributing to the success of the company. Read all the Employee Spotlight pieces by clicking the link below.